Thursday, August 21, 2008

Stunning Pictures of 'Bubble' Clouds in the Menacing Skies Above Britain

Stunning pictures of 'bubble' clouds in the menacing skies above Britain

Dark, brooding and menacing. This apparition, which materialised over the skies of Hertfordshire, looks like an expensive special effect from a horror movie.

The strange globular clouds, which resemble drops of oil poured into a murky pond, appear to herald the appearance of an alien spacecraft, here to cause havoc.

In fact, this picture shows a rare but perfectly natural (and perfectly harmless, provided you do not try to fly through it in light aircraft) meteorological phenomenon known as a mammatus cloud.

This picture was taken by Ian Pattison, 31, an assistant librarian, outside his home in St Albans last week. He said: 'I got a new phone last week and when I saw this amazing sky, I just grabbed it and started snapping.'

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